Workers' Compensation Advisory Council
Join the Feb.12 meeting
Public attendees
To join by computing device, login and register at and enter the password 21225.
To join by phone: Dial 415-655-0003 or 855-282-6330, enter the access code 249 229 87159 and the password 21225.
To join in person: This meeting will be at the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, Minnesota Room, 443 Lafayette Road N., St. Paul, MN (get directions, parking information).
When meeting remotely, all participants are able to hear everything, but can speak only if public input is requested, at which time the host will unmute your microphone. View Webex instructions: interactive instructions; and printable instructions. Only the host can receive chat messages in the Webex application. For technical assistance, email Carey Wagner at
WCAC members, presenters (panelists)
Login from the link provided in your meeting invitation.
All are able to mute and unmute their microphones. Click the hand icon to indicate you wish to speak. If the host or chairperson calls on you, unmute yourself and state your name before speaking. Comments should be brief and concise. Note the use of headphones may impact your microphone. After you have finished commenting, mute yourself and click the hand icon again to turn it off.
Meeting materials
Meeting materials from past meetings
About WCAC
The Workers' Compensation Advisory Council (WCAC) addresses issues and recommends legislation pertaining to workers' compensation. It consists of 12 voting members (six representing organized labor and six representing Minnesota businesses), 10 of which are appointed by the governor, the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, and by the speaker and minority leader of the House of Representatives. The other two members are the presidents of the largest statewide Minnesota business organization and the largest organized labor association. In addition, the majority and minority leaders of the Senate and the speaker and minority leader of the House of Representatives shall each appoint a caucus member as a liaison to the council. The WCAC chairperson is the commissioner of the Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) and is a nonvoting member. The WCAC executive director is the DLI assistant commissioner who oversees the Workers' Compensation Division.
View members, alternates and legislative liaisons list (updated October 2024)
WCAC advises the DLI commissioner about matters of workers' compensation and submits its recommendations for proposed changes to the workers' compensation statutes to the proper legislative committees. WCAC's recommendations must be supported by a majority of business and labor members.
By statute, DLI supplies all required administrative support to WCAC.
WCAC generally meets on the second Wednesday of even-numbered months from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., although this schedule is subject to change. Meetings are currently online via Webex. For more information or to be added to the email list for meeting notices, contact Alyssa Westergard at or 651-284-5187.
WCAC meeting schedule, agendas, minutes
2025 | ||
Feb. 12 | Agenda | Minutes |
2024 | ||
Dec. 11 | Agenda | Minutes |
Oct. 9 | Agenda | Minutes |
March 13 | Agenda | Minutes |
Feb. 21 | Agenda | Minutes |
Feb. 7 | Agenda | Minutes |
Jan. 10 | Agenda | Minutes |
2023 | ||
Nov. 8 | Agenda | Minutes |
Sept. 13 | Agenda | Minutes |
April 20 | Agenda | Minutes |
March 28 | Agenda | Minutes |
March 8 | Agenda | Minutes |
Feb. 8 | Agenda | Minutes |
Jan. 25 | Agenda | Minutes |