Hmong translations of DLI documents
Some of the Department of Labor and Industry's documents and webpages have been translated into Hmong.
Tiv tauj Labor Standards ntawm 651-284-5075 los yog
Tiv tauj Minnesota OSHA Compliance ntawm 651-284-5050 los yog
Tiv tauj chav them nyiaj rau cov neeg ua hauj lwm raug mob (the Workers' Compensation Division) ntawm 800-342-5354 (nias 3) los yog
Yeej muaj kev pab txog kev txhais lus
Yog tias koj xav tau, peb lub koos haum yeej muaj kev pab txog kev txhais lus dawb rau cov neeg es hais tsis tau lus Askiv zoo. Tiv tauj peb thiab peb mam li hu mus rau tus neeg txhais lus.
Cov lus nug heev tshaj plaws (faqs) rau qhov xyaum ua hauj lwm | Apprentice frequently asked questions
Kev xyaum ua hauj lwm. Koj txoj hauv kev kom ua tau tiav lug. | Apprentice testimonials
Xav nrhiav ib qho asxij hauj lwm kom zoo? | Apprenticeship: Build your future
Kev xyaum ua hauj lwm. Koj txoj hauv kev kom ua tau tiav lub. | Apprenticeship overview
Kev xyaum ua hauj lwm. Koj txoj hauv kev kom ua tau tiav lug. | Apprenticeship. Your path to success
Labor Standards
Ceeb toom rau cov neeg ua hauj lwm txog qhov khwv kom tau cov xuab moo them tawm thaum muaj mob hu ua sick thiab safe time Word | PDF | Earned sick and safe time employee notice Word | PDF
Khwv kom tau cov xuab moo them tawm thaum muaj mob hu ua sick thiab safe time (ESST) | Earned sick and safe time (ESST)
Daim ntawv ceeb toom txog cov niam pub niam mis rau menyuam noj, Cov neeg Ua hauj lwm pub niam mis rau menyuam noj, thiab Kev pab Kom haum rau cov neeg ua hauj lwm es xeeb tub hauv plab | Nursing Mothers, Lactating Employees, and Pregnancy Accommodations employee notice
Puas yog koj poob hauj lwm? | Unemployed? poster
Puas yog koj xeeb tub lossis nyuam qhuav ua ib leej niam ib leej txiv? | Are you pregnant or a new parent?
Minnesota OSHA Compliance
2023 Minnesota OSHA Kev qhia rau cov neeg ua hauj lwm txog lub luag hauj lwm kom haum lawv | 2023 Minnesota OSHA ergonomics employee training
Kev nyab xeeb thiab tiv thaiv kom nyob kaj huv tom haujlwm | Safety and health protection on the job poster
Qhia txog ua hauj lwm kom haum thiab zoo rau cov neeg ua hauj lwm (Ergonomics): cob qhia cov neeg ua hauj lwm. Minnesota Statutes 182.677, subdivision 4 | Ergonomics – employee training Minnesota Statutes 182.677, subdivision 4
Minnesota OSHA Workplace Safety Consultation
Workers' Compensation Division
Nyiaj raug mob ntawm hauj lwm | Workers' compensation poster
Phau ntawv qhia tus neeg ua hauj lwm txog kev them nyiaj raug mob nram hauj lwm hauv Minnesota | An employee's guide to Minnesota's workers' compensation system
Yeeb yaj duab (videos)
Txhua yam uas xeev minnesota yuav kom cov chaw hauj lwm ceeb toom rau cov neeg ua hauj lwm | Minnesota’s employee notice requirements
Kev paub tias cov hauj lwm nyob hauv phab lag luam rau kev tsim ua (construction industry) yog muaj zoo li cas | Navigating employment status in the construction industry
Cov chaw hauj lwm yuav tsum tau paub dab tsi txog tus nqi dag zog ua hauj lwm tsawg tshaj plaws uas yuav tau them rau hauv ib teev (minimum wage) | What Minnesota employers need to know about minimum wage
Cov chaw hauj lwm yuav tsum tau paub dab tsi hais txog kev txiav nyiaj tawm hauv cov tshev them nyiaj ua hauj lwm | What employers need to know about paycheck deductions
Cov cai uas cov neeg cev xeeb me nyuam thiab cov niam txiv muaj me nyuam tshiab muaj | Pregnant and new parents’ rights
Nkag siab txog qhov nyiaj them nqi ua hauj lwm uas siv tam sim no (prevailing wage) nyob hauv xeev Minnesota | Understanding prevailing wage in Minnesota
Kev tiv thaiv kom tsis txhob muaj kev nyiag nyiaj ua hauj lwm | Preventing wage theft
Txhua yam uas yuav tau ua los mus khaws ntaub ntawv cia nyob hauv xeev Minnesota | Recordkeeping requirements in Minnesota
Minnesota txoj cai rau cov sij hawm so hauj lwm uas ib tus neeg yuav siv tau rau thaum muaj mob thiab rau thaum yuav tau ua kom muaj kev nyab xeeb | Minnesota's earned sick and safe leave law