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The Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) is a nationwide survey of work establishments to enable the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to compute state and national estimates of the number, rate and characteristics of work-related injuries and illnesses. In Minnesota, the SOII data collection is a cooperative effort between BLS and the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI).

The SOII is a completely separate program from the OSHA Electronic Submission of Injury and Illness Records program. The DLI survey team that collects Minnesota SOII responses is part of the Research and Data Analytics unit and is barred by federal law from sharing the survey responses with state and federal OSHA programs.

Information for participating Minnesota employers

The SOII is a mandatory survey. If you have been notified, either through a letter or an email message, your establishment has been selected to participate and you are required by law to provide the requested information. Federal law prohibits BLS from sharing the SOII data with OSHA.

These web pages are intended to help you collect OSHA log information, complete your SOII response, find additional information about the survey and review results from the most recently published survey. Contact us if you cannot find the information you need about the SOII on this page or from the links provided.

Types of survey participants

In any given year, there are two sets of survey participants.

  1. Companies that have received notice to provide information about occupational injuries and illnesses from the previous calendar year. The statistics computed from the submissions are published in the fall of the year they are collected.

  2. Companies that have been notified that occupational injury and illness information will be collected at the end of the next calendar-year.

You make a difference

Learn why your participation makes a difference.
