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News releases
Sanford to pay back-wages, damages, penalties after DLI finds willful violations of the Women’s Economic Security Act
The investigation found Sanford cut an employee’s hours due to pregnancy and fired her after she requested 12 weeks of parental leave.
State's fatal work-injuries decreased in 2023
A total of 70 fatal work-injuries were recorded in Minnesota in 2023 ... down from 80 in 2022
New year, new minimum-wage rates as of Jan. 1, 2025
Effective Jan. 1, 2025, all employers must pay at least $11.13 an hour and the 90-day training wage for workers under age 20 is $9.08 an hour.
DLI issues report and recommendations for meat, poultry processing workers
DLI issued a report detailing recommendations for meat and poultry processing workers as required by the Safe Workplaces for Meat and Poultry Processing Act
For information about news releases, contact Communications Director James Honerman at or 651-284-5313.

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