Rulemaking docket for Minnesota Rules Part 1305.3114
Expedited permanent rules regulating window cleaning safety features; Minnesota Rules part 1305.3114
Pursuant to amendments to Minnesota Statutes § 326B.106, subdivision 4 (m), the Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) is required to adopt rules requiring window cleaning safety features that comply with a nationally recognized standard as part of the Minnesota State Building Code. The statute directs the commissioner to adopt the rules under the expedited rulemaking process in Minn. Stat. § 14.389.
Published notices and comment periods
Under the expedited rule process in Minn. Stat. § 14.389, no Request for Comments was published.
A Notice of Intent to Adopt Proposed Expedited Permanent Rules Without A Public Hearing, which was published in the State Register on Sept. 9, 2024.
View the Notice of Adoption that was published in the State Register on Feb. 10, 2025.
Availability of rule draft(s) and Statement of Need and Reasonableness
Under the expedited rule process in Minn. Stat. § 14.389, there is no requirement for a Statement of Need and Reasonableness.
View the Proposed Rule Memorandum, which provides background and information and context for the proposed rule amendments.
Requests for hearing
DLI is not accepting requests for hearing because the law authorizing rules to be adopted under the expedited rulemaking process did not make specific reference to in Minn. Stat. § 14.389, subd. 5.
View the order issued on Jan. 17, 2025, by Administrative Law Judge Kristien R. E. Butler, which approved the proposed rules.
Timetable/status of the rule proceeding; agency determinations
The Order Adopting Rules was signed Jan. 21, 2025.
This is a completed rulemaking.
Date the rule was filed with the Secretary of State and the effective date of the rule as adopted
The rule was filed with the Secretary of State on Jan. 27, 2025.
The effective date of the rule as adopted is Nov. 7, 2025.
Written comments, questions and requests
Contact person for procedural questions and to submit comments:
Amanda Spuckler
Phone: 651-284-5006
Contact the person above for additional information about the planned rule, to receive rule notices, to receive rule drafts if available, to provide comments, or to view comments or requests for hearing that have been submitted.
Comments and questions may also be submitted by U.S. mail, to the contact person listed above, at: Department of Labor and Industry, 443 Lafayette Road N., St. Paul, MN 55155.
Comments received after 4:30 p.m. will be considered received on the next state business day the Department of Labor and Industry is open.