Women’s Economic Security Act and Paid Leave engagement and education grant, fiscal-year 2025
In May 2024, grant funding was awarded to the following organizations:
Comunidades Organizando el Poder y la Accion Latina COPAL Education Fund: $35,000
Greater Minnesota Worker Center: $35,000
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation c/o African American Babies Coalition and Projects: $30,809
Minnesota Training Partnership: $24,500
Muslim American Society of Minnesota: $24,500
The grant funds will be used to educate Minnesota workers and employers about 2023 statutory changes to Women’s Economic Security Act (WESA) that broadened employee rights and employer requirements relating to pregnant workers' and new parents’ workplace rights to pregnancy accommodations, express milk in the workplace and pregnancy and parental leave. In addition, grant work will include education on the Paid Leave law, which goes into effect Jan. 1, 2026, that provides paid time off when a serious health condition prevents Minnesotans from working, when they need time to care for a family member or a new child, for certain military-related events or for certain personal safety issues.
Grant timeline
The application period for the grant has closed.
Contact Eric Olberding at 651-284-5377 or eric.p.olberding@state.mn.us with questions or for technical assistance.
Other information
For more information about WESA, visit dli.mn.gov/newparents or contact DLI's Labor Standards Division at 651-284-5075 or dli.laborstandards@state.mn.us.
For more information about Paid Leave, visit mn.gov/deed/programs-services/paid-family.