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DLI’s work comp insurance lookup will be unavailable from 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 6, until 8 a.m. on Friday, March 7, for maintenance.

To perform water and sewer pipe‐laying work, Minnesota law requires individuals to obtain a plumbing bond or be an employee of a person in compliance with the bond and insurance requirements of Minn. Stat. §326B.46, subd. 2. Individuals performing building sewer or water service installation are not required to hold a plumbers license if they have completed pipe‐laying training.

Best practices

The following are best practices for water and sewer pipe‐laying training:

  1. Those performing water and sewer pipe‐laying training are responsible for providing qualified instructors. Qualifications generally include a mix of directly related formal training and field experience.

  2. The instructors maintain records of those who have completed the training and issue pipe-layer cards with the expiration date to those who pass the course. Cards can be issued electronically and can be carried in the field as a paper card or on an electronic device when performing pipe-laying work. Pipelayer training cards expire every three years.

  3. Instruction for water and sewer pipe‐laying includes:

    • all applicable parts of the Minnesota Plumbing Code,

    • trench safety,

    • utility locating,

    • pipe materials,

    • pipe cutting and joining techniques,

    • sanitary and storm sewers,

    • trench dewatering,

    • setting elevations,

    • hydrants,

    • manholes and catch basins,

    • confined space entry,

    • blueprint reading,

    • testing, and

    • erosion/sediment control.

  4. Refresher pipe‐laying training consisting of at least four hours of training is provided at least once every three years to maintain a pipe‐layer card.

  5. Successful completion of the course includes passing the course test.


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