Plumbing inspections
Plan review, permit and inspection update during COVID-19 pandemic
Plan review: Electronic and paper plans submitted will continue to be reviewed. Paper plans are accepted but will be processed every Tuesday. Make sure to keep copies of paper plans submitted to our office as we are not able to mail back paper plans during this time. For electronic plan review, submit plans online. Staff are working normal hours and available by phone and email.
Inspections and permits: For plumbing inspections (water and sewer utilities, water softeners, interior plumbing or storm drainage systems) start an inspection permit online here. Online permits will continue to be issued. Paper permit applications are processed every Tuesday. Inspections continue during normal hours by contacting your regional plumbing inspector.
New plumbing systems and parts of existing systems that have been altered must be inspected and tested.
The plumbing contractor should notify the proper administrative authority at least eight hours before the work is to be inspected or tested. Schedule inspections of projects in areas that do not have a local inspection department or building official by contacting the plumbing standards representatives for your region.
How we can help
For general questions: 651-284-5063.
For help with licenses: 651-284-5031 or
For help with bonds: 651-284-5034.
Contact us to inspect the following projects:
State licensed facilities, public buildings and projects of a special nature as determined by us or the municipality in:
all non-code enforced areas of the state and
code enforced areas of the state where the municipality does not have both a plumbing plan review agreement with us and a licensed plumber to perform the inspections.
All other building types in non-code enforced areas of the state.
All other building types in code enforced areas of the state where the municipality does not have a licensed plumber or someone meeting the competency requirements to perform the inspections (Minnesota Statute 326B.135).