MNOSHA lead rulemaking
Minnesota OSHA (MNOSHA) has established a working group to assist the Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) in updating the current lead regulations and has received preliminary feedback after hosting the first meeting. The third meeting of this group is proposed to take place in March 2025.
Meeting one
The members of the working group were introduced and information was discussed regarding the legislative request, Minnesota OSHA rulemaking process and advisory group responsibilities. A presentation about the general industry and construction industry lead standards was provided by the Department of Labor and Industry (see the "Additional resources" section below for a copy of the presentation). There was a preliminary discussion about potential updates to the standards. A request for written feedback was provided by DLI to members of the meeting, to be discussed during future meetings.
Meeting two
The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry presented about the proposed and adopted lead legislation other state-plan OSHA programs, including California, Michigan and Washington, had implemented or were in the process of implenting. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) presented about the health effects of lead and provided recommendations for Minnesota OSHA to consider when drafting legislation related to lead. See the "Additional resources" section below for a copy of the two presentations.
Minnesota OSHA is conducting a rulemaking process required by the Minnesota Legislature as a result of the 2024 session. The Legislature passed a bill requiring MNOSHA to conduct rulemaking to reduce the blood lead level at which an employee is removed from exposure to lead and to reduce the blood lead level at which an employee may be returned to work with exposure to lead.
MNOSHA is working with an advisory group to assist the Department of Labor and Industry in updating the current lead regulations for general industry, 1910.1025, and for construction, 1926.62. Information about the differences between these two standards can be found in the "Additional resources" section of this page. Other state-plan OSHA programs, including California, Michigan and Washington, are also working to create and update rules regarding employee lead exposure. Information about the other lead rulemaking processes occurring across the country can also be found in the "Additional resources" section of this page.
Those who are interested in this rulemaking process may follow along by signing up to receive rulemaking updates via email. When the Department of Labor and Industry has developed and proposed the final adoption in the State Register, all interested stakeholders will be able to participate in the formal rulemaking process.
For questions about the current lead standards or lead in occupational settings, contact MNOSHA Compliance at 651-284-5050 or, or contact MNOSHA Workplace Safety Consultation at 651-284-5060 or
Additional resources
Current OSHA lead standards:
1910.1025 – Lead in general industry
1926.62 – Lead in construction
Presentation (DLI): Current OSHA lead standards – general industry versus construction industry, side by side
Presentation (DLI): Lead legislation – state plans – California, Michigan and Washington, side by side
Presentation (MDH): Health effects of lead and MDH recommendations on occupational lead exposure
Other states proposing changes to employee lead exposure regulations: