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Workers' compensation treatment parameters; Minnesota Rules, parts 5221.6010 to 5221.6700

The Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) is considering a possible amendment to the workers' compensation treatment parameter rules in Minnesota Rules, parts 5221.6010 to 5221.6700. Specifically, DLI is considering rule amendments for medical imaging and injections in Minnesota Rules, parts 5221.6100, 5221.6200 to 5221.6305, and 5221.6600. The department may also consider other updates and technical corrections to existing treatment parameter rules in chapter 5221, excluding treatment parameter rules for long-term treatment with opioid analgesic medication and post-traumatic stress disorder in Minnesota Rules, parts 5221.6110 and 5221.6700.

Published notices and comments periods

View the Request for Comments, published in the State Register (page 1004) on Feb. 24, 2025. Interested persons or groups may submit comments or information about these possible rules in writing until further notice is published in the State Register that DLI intends to adopt or withdraw the rules.

Availability of rule draft(s) and Statement of Need and Reasonableness

DLI has not yet drafted the possible rules or the Statement of Need and Reasonableness, but when a draft becomes available, it will be posted on this docket webpage.

Requests for hearing; date and place of hearing

To be determined.

Administrative law judge reports and orders

To be determined.

Timetable/status of the rule proceeding; agency determinations

To be determined.

Date the rule was filed with the Secretary of State and the effective date of the rule as adopted

To be determined.

Contact person

Contact the person below for additional information about the planned rule, to receive rule notices, to receive rule drafts if available, to provide comments, or to view comments or requests for hearing that have been submitted.

Alexis Johnson, Office of General Counsel
Phone:  651-284-5006

Comments and questions may also be submitted by U.S. mail, to the contact person listed above, at:  Department of Labor and Industry, 443 Lafayette Road N., St. Paul, MN  55155.

Comments received after 4:30 p.m. will be considered received on the next state business day DLI is open.