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DLI’s work comp insurance lookup will be unavailable from 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 6, until 8 a.m. on Friday, March 7, for maintenance.

Temporary total disability (TTD) benefits are paid during the period an employee is totally unable to work due to the effects of the work-related injury. The weekly compensation rate paid during the period of disability is generally two-thirds of an employee's gross weekly wage at the time of injury, subject to statutory minimums and maximums. Benefits are typically paid based on a five-day workweek with each day considered to be 0.2 weeks of compensation. Occasionally an employee may work a different number of days a week, such as four, six or seven, and payments will be based on that employee's workweek.

More detailed information about calculating the weekly wage and weekly compensation rate is presented in the Basic Adjusters' Training Guide.

TTD benefits are limited by statute. For injuries occurring on or after Oct. 1, 1995, through Sept. 30, 2008, a maximum of 104 weeks of TTD benefits are payable unless retraining is approved. For injuries occurring on or after Oct. 1, 2008, a maximum of 130 weeks of TTD benefits are payable unless retraining is approved.

To see the current maximum and minimum compensation rates, see the department’s Common Minnesota workers' compensation benefit adjustments chart, which is updated annually.

Discontinuing TTD

Your eligibility for TTD may be interrupted if your situation changes. You will receive a form called Notice of Intention to Discontinue Workers' Compensation Benefits if the insurance company decides to discontinue your benefits. Benefits can cease when any one of the following events occurs.

  • The employee returns to work.

  • The employee withdraws from the labor market for reasons other than the injury.

  • The employee is released to return to work and fails to make a diligent job search for appropriate work.

  • The employee refuses an offer of gainful work or work consistent with an approved rehabilitation plan.

  • It is 90 days after the employee has received a report that he or she has reached maximum medical improvement or 90 days after the end of an approved retraining plan, whichever is later.

  • Except in the case of retraining, 130 weeks of TTD have been paid.

  • Any other grounds to suspend or discontinue benefits as provided under workers’ compensation law.

Recommencing TTD

TTD recommences when any one of the following events occur.

  • The employee is medically unable to continue working at the job due to the work injury and 130 weeks of TTD have not yet been paid.

  • The employee is laid off or terminated for reasons other than misconduct. The layoff or termination must occur before the 90th day after the employee has reached maximum medical improvement (MMI) and before 130 weeks of TTD have been paid.

  • The employee, after failing to search for appropriate work, begins diligently searching for appropriate work before the 90th day after MMI and before 130 weeks of TTD have been paid.

  • The employee is enrolled in an approved retraining plan.
