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Program qualifications

Factory workers wearing personal protective gear; one is holding an electronic tablet

The Ergonomic Safety Grant Program provides matching funds, up to $10,000, for qualifying employers to make ergonomic improvements recommended by an on-site safety survey.

Qualifying employers

Health care facilities, defined as:

  • a hospital with a North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code of 622110, 622210 or 622310;

  • an outpatient surgical center with a NAICS code of 621493; or

  • a nursing home with a NAICS code of 623110.

Warehouse distribution centers, defined as:

  • an employer with 100 or more employees in Minnesota with a NAICS code of 493110, 423110 to 423990, 424110 to 424990, 454110 or 492110.

Meatpacking worksites, defined as:

  • an employer with 100 or more employees in Minnesota with a NAICS code of 311611, 311612, 311614 or 311615.

Employer conditions

The employer must meet the following conditions.

  • Has workers' compensation insurance.

  • Has had an on-site safety survey and a written report with the results that recommend specific equipment or practices that will reduce the risk of injury or illness to employees and prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

    • The survey must have been completed by a Minnesota OSHA (MNOSHA) compliance investigator or safety consultant, an in-house safety and health committee, a workers' compensation insurance underwriter, a private consultant or a person under contract with the assigned risk plan.

  • Has the knowledge and experience to complete the project and is committed to its implementation.

  • Is able to complete the project within 120 days of a fully executed contract.

    • A fully executed contract is signed by all parties.

    • No project can begin before a contract is signed by all parties.

    • Invoices dated before the date of the fully executed contact will exclude those items from grant eligibility.

Project conditions

To qualify, the project must be supported by all public entities involved and comply with federal, state and local regulations where applicable.

Grant funds may be used for all or part of the cost of the following:

  • purchasing and installing recommended equipment intended to prevent MSDs;

  • operating or maintaining recommended equipment intended to prevent MSDs;

  • property, if the property is necessary to meet the recommendations of the on-site safety survey that are related to prevention of MSDs;

  • training required to operate recommended safety equipment to prevent MSDs; and

  • tuition reimbursement for educational costs related to identifying ergonomic-related issues that are related to recommendations of the on-site safety survey.

Project evaluation

Complete, submitted applications will be evaluated based on whether the proposed project:

  • is technically and economically feasible;

  • is consistent with the recommendations of the on-site safety survey and the objective of reducing the risk of injury or illness to employees and preventing MSDs;

  • was submitted by the applicant with sufficient experience, knowledge and commitment for the project to be implemented in a timely manner;

  • has the necessary financial commitments to cover all project costs;

  • has the support of all public entities necessary for its completion; and

  • complies with federal, state and local regulations.

About the process

  • Only qualifying employers with projects aimed at ergonomic improvements and the prevention of MSDs are eligible.

  • If your grant is approved, you will be notified in writing of the specific approval. Whether we approve your grant application or not, in no way diminishes, delays or absolves you of any obligation to abate safety and health hazards.

  • When a project is complete, the applicant must submit a certificate of completion form, with invoices and proof of payment, to the grants administrator, to initiate issuance of the grant.

  • Grants will be awarded to applicants that meet the eligibility and evaluation criteria until funding is depleted.

  • If there are more eligible requests than funding, awards will be prorated.

  • Grant recipients are not eligible to apply for another grant under chapter 176 until two years after the date of the award.

More information