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The Occupational Safety and Health Review Board (OSHRB) issues decisions involving untimely contested OSHA citations and proposed penalty cases, and to review appeals of administrative law judge orders involving OSHA citations.

The review board consists of one member representing management, one member representing labor and one member representing the public.

Meetings begin at 10 a.m. For more information or to be added to the email list for meeting notices, contact Peggy Charpentier, executive secretary, at or 651-284-5492. People on the email list for meeting notices may also receive periodic updates from the department about Minnesota OSHA activities.

OSHRB meeting schedule, agendas

Dec. 5 Agenda and public meeting notice
Sept. 5 Agenda and public meeting notice
June 6 Agenda and public meeting notice
March 7 Agenda and public meeting notice
Dec. 6 Agenda and public meeting notice
Sept. 6 Agenda and public meeting notice
June 7 Agenda and public meeting notice
May 16
(Rescheduled from March 1)
Agenda and public meeting notice
March 1 Agenda and public meeting notice
Dec. 1 Agenda and public meeting notice
Sept. 8 Agenda and public meeting notice
June 2

Agenda and public meeting notice

Meeting minutes

May 19

Agenda and public meeting notice

Meeting minutes

March 3 Agenda and public meeting notice

Green meeting practices

The state of Minnesota is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of this event by following green meeting practices. The Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) is minimizing the environmental impact of its events by following green meeting practices. DLI encourages participants to use electronic copies of handouts or to print them on 100% post-consumer processed chlorine-free paper, double-sided.