Phone and email directory
The main phone number for the Construction Codes and Licensing Division (CCLD) is 651-284-5012. However, if you have a specific questions, please view the phone numbers and email addresses below.
CCLD main number: 651-284-5012 or 800-657-3944
Fax: 651-284-5746
Contact information by topic
Plan review:
Licensing and continuing education
Contractor and business licenses:, 651-284-5034
Electrical and elevator contractors
High-pressure-piping contractors
Manufactured home manufacturers, dealers, installers
Mechanical contractor bonds
Plumbing contractors
Residential builders and remodelers
Residential roofers
Technology system contractors
Water conditioning contractors
Individual/personal licenses, registrations and certifications:, 651-284-5034
Boiler licenses
Building official certification: 651-284-5857
Contracting and journeyworker HPP pipefitter
Master and journeyworker electrical licenses
Master and journeyworker elevator constructor licenses
Master and journeyworker plumber licenses
Power limited technician license
Unlicensed individual registration
License enforcement, complaints and investigations
Building contractor, plumbing and electrical investigations:, 651-284-5069
Construction contractor investigations:, 651-284-5074
Contractor Recovery Fund:, 651-284-5057
Boiler inspections
General information:, 651-284-5544
Electrical inspections
For Electrical Code help contact or 651-284-5820
For electrical permit help contact or 651-284-5026
Name | Contact | Duties |
Mark Hunter, Northern Districts manager |
320-630-1317 |
Northern Districts manager |
Scott Higgins, Southern Districts manager |
507-460-8361 |
Southern Districts manager |
Robin Geiger, principal program administrator |
651-284-5804 |
Administrative oversight and collaboration with several areas including electrical permits, licensing, financials, auditing, inspections and inspection service contracts. |
John McNamara, virtual inspections, supervisor |
651-338-1766 |
Lead administration and support for field operations for the virtual inspection team. |
Lowell Bradbury, District 1, supervisor |
218-349-0068 |
Lead administration and support for field operations in northwest Minnesota. |
James Bjorklund, District 2, supervisor |
612-757-8941 |
Lead administration and support for field operations in northeast Minnesota. |
Josh Kath, District 3, supervisor |
612-757-7808 |
Lead administration and support for field operations in east-central Minnesota. |
Luke Nemeth, District 4, supervisor |
320-894-5096 |
Lead administration and support for field operations in west-central Minnesota. |
Kent Weispfennig, District 5, supervisor |
651-272-8754 |
Lead administration and support for field operations in southwest Minnesota. |
Scott Higgins, District 6, area representative |
507-460-8361 |
Lead administration and support for field operations in southeast Minnesota. |
Neil Furman, District 7, area representative |
612-214-1879 |
Lead administration and support for field operations in the south and western metro areas. |
Steven Dudley, District 8, senior code representative |
507-381-6867 |
Lead administration and support for field operations in the south and eastern metro area for electrical code and licensing issues, electrical exam development, electrical applicant approvals and reciprocal licensing. |
Eric Hanson, District 9, area representative |
651-421-9664 |
Lead administration and support for field operations in the Minneapolis and north metro areas. |
Sheldon Monson, District 10, supervisor |
218-689-3260 |
Lead administration and support for field operations in north-central Minnesota. |
Elevator inspections
General information: 651-284-5071
Bill Reinke, manager |
651-284-5873 |
manager of elevator inspections |
Jim Weaver, supervisor |
651-600-9400 |
chief elevator inspector, supervisor |
Mark Sneep, supervisor |
651-279-1027 |
chief elevator inspector, supervisor |
Ashley Commodore, office assistant |
651-284-5897 |
Questions about annual operating permits and annual inspections. |
High pressure piping inspections
Bill Reinke, manager |
651-284-5873 |
manager |
T.J. Peterson, chief high pressure piping inspector |
612-434-0117 |
west and southwest |
Rob Lenz, inspector |
651-440-0618 |
east and northeast |
Mike Little, inspector |
651-303-5470 |
east and southeast |
Scott Solbro, inspector |
651-440-0932 |
west and northwest |
Plumbing inspections
General information: 651-284-5063
Scott McKown, assistant director |
651-284-5893 |
assistant director |
Brad Jensen, supervisor |
218-290-1591 |
plumbing inspections |
Thomas Eisert, plumbing standards representative |
507-429-2980 |
plumbing inspections |
Matthew Flier, plumbing standards representative |
651-587-0108 |
plumbing inspections |
Steve Nuebel, plumbing standards representative |
952-262-1689 |
plumbing inspections |
Charles Olson, plumbing standards representative |
651-308-0786 |
plumbing inspections |
John Roehl, plumbing standards representative |
320-247-9523 |
plumbing inspections |
Kara Topper, plumbing standards representative |
651-279-3418 |
plumbing inspections |
Plan review:
Plumbing plan review
General information: 651-284-5063
Mike Westemeier, PE, supervisor |
651-284-5898 |
plumbing plan review supervisor |
Ryan Rehn, manager |
651-284-5410 |
manager |
Judy Tacheny, office administrative specialist |
651-284-5886 |
plan logging |
Candice Parker, administrative assistant |
651-284-5821 |
plan logging |
Brad C. Erickson, plan review engineer |
651-284-5880 |
plumbing plan reviewer |
Colleen Erickson, plan review engineer |
651-284-5881 |
plumbing plan reviewer |
Corey Frain, PE, plan review engineer |
651-284-5882 |
plumbing plan reviewer |
David Lanik, plan review engineer |
651-284-5842 |
plumbing plan reviewer |
Sam Padelford, plan review engineer |
651-284-5182 |
plumbing plan reviewer |
Scott Sawyer, PE, plan review engineer |
651-284-5803 |
plumbing plan reviewer |
Lisa Tysk, plan review engineer |
651-284-5195 |
plumbing plan reviewer |
Marise Widmer, plan review engineer |
651-284-5887 |
plumbing plan reviewer |
Brad Williams, PE, plan review engineer |
651-284-5836 |
plumbing plan reviewer |
Building plan review
General information: 651-284-5857
Educational training, rules and code development
General information: 651-284-5867
Kelly Cooper, manager |
651-284-5884 |
manager |
Don Sivigny, supervisor |
651-284-5874 |
supervisor |
Terence Olson, construction code representative |
651-284-5627 |
grants |
Chad Payment, construction code representative |
651-284-5841 |
Chris Rosival, construction code representative |
651-284-5510 |
Building Code, mechanical and plumbing specialist |
Steve Shold, construction code representative/energy specialist |
651-284-5312 |
Energy Code specialist |
Amanda Spuckler, management analyst |
651-284-5361 |
administrative rule development |
Jesse Szykulski, construction code representative |
651-284-5190 |
representative of the building official limited program |
Manufactured structures
General information: 651-284-5092 or
Jason Kelzer, supervisor |
651-491-0750 |
manufactured structures supervisor |
Greg Metz, assistant director |
651-284-5884 |
assistant director |
Herman Hauglid, building code representative |
651-491-0754 |
modular plan review/inspections |
Krystina Nickila, building code representative |
651-284-5807 |
modular plan review/inspections |
Ermias MeKonnen, building code representative |
952-679-0645 |
modular plan review/inspections |
Dave Rewey, building code representative |
651-284-5808 |
modular plan review/inspections |
Stacy Jeffrey, office and administrative specialist |
651-284-5579 |
support and anchoring seals |
Building Inspection Services
Tom Gray, building inspection services supervisor |
651-284-5281 |
supervisor |
Scott McKown, assistant director |
651-284-5893 |
assistant director |
Bryan Kerby, construction code representative |
651-395-0343 |
Region 1 - northwest regional building official |
Jerry Jasmer, construction code representative |
651-587-7070 |
Region 2 - northeast regional building official |
Jake Depuydt, construction code representative |
651-280-0114 |
Region 3 - central-west regional building official |
Mark Hensen, construction code representative |
507-831-2930 |
Region 4 - southwest regional building official |
Chris Meier, construction code representative |
651-336-8411 |
Region 5 - southeast regional building official |
Kyle Christensen, construction code representative |
651-279-1420 |
Region 6 - central east regional building official |
Code Services
Scott Wheeler, code services supervisor |
651-284-5876 |
supervisor |
Greg Metz, assistant director |
651-284-5884 |
assistant director |
Tim Manz, construction code representative |
651-284-5590 |
code services |
Frank Martin, construction code representative |
651-529-0779 |
code services |
Adam Schminski, construction code representative |
320-815-2314 |
code services |
Paul Swett, construction code representative |
651-284-5953 |
code services |
Executive staff
Todd Green, director, 651-284-5124,
Dean Hunter, assistant director, 651-284-5314,
Scott McKown, assistant director, 651-284-5893,
Greg Metz, assistant director, state building official, 651-284-5884,
Sean O'Neil, assistant director, 651-284-5854,
Kelly Cooper, manager, 651-284-5813,
Ryan Rehn, manager, 651-284-5410,
Bill Reinke, manager, 651-284-5873,