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The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) conducts an annual voluntary survey of contractors in construction to determine state prevailing-wage rates for commercial, highway/heavy and residential construction and public works projects in Minnesota.

How to participate

Important survey dates

  • The notification period for the 2024 prevailing-wage survey was open from April 1, 2024, to May 31, 2024. The survey notification period is now closed.

  • Surveys can be submitted for the 2025 prevailing-wage survey.

Survey tips (surveys can be submitted throughout the year)

  • Workers can be reported more than once, but only once for each project.

  • Workers reported on a survey must have worked at least eight hours on the project.

  • Where a worker performs work in more than one class of labor on a project, the worker shall be placed in the class in which the person worked the greatest number of hours.

  • Highway/heavy project data may only be reported if the cost of the project is $25,000 or more.

  • Commercial or residential project data may only be reported if the total cost of each project is $2,500 or more. Commercial construction includes apartment complexes and residential structures of three units or more. Residential construction applies to single-family and two-family homes.

  • Review classification titles to ensure correct reporting. For equipment operators, use the classification code under the highway/heavy list 302-397 or under the commercial or residential list 501-550; for paving and grading equipment for all types of construction, use the highway/heavy list 302-397. The classification list is available from the Office of the Revisor of Statutes website at 5200.1100, Minnesota Administrative Rules.

Questions about the survey

If you have questions about the survey, email DLI's prevailing-wage section at