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Child care facility

The child care industry in Minnesota has a profound impact on families, communities and the overall economy. It supports working parents by providing a safe and nurturing environment for their children while at work or pursuing educational opportunities.

Despite the high need for this service, there is a gap in services, and child care providers struggle to keep up with demand for talented workers. For example, in 2023 there were almost 11,500 preschool teachers in Minnesota with a projection of 12,439 open positions through 2030.

Validated occupational competency summaries

The approach to developing competency standards is found in Minnesota law. The information that informs the development of competency standards comes from a variety of sources that include but are not limited to:  Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development; Minnesota laws and rules; Minnesota state agencies and licensing boards; O-NET Online; Competency Model Clearinghouse from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration; state, national and international trade associations and advocacy organizations; job postings and job descriptions; higher education resources; and input from attendees of industry forums, competency council meetings, public events and meetings conducted by DLI staff members. This work includes information from O*NET OnLine and the Competency Model Clearinghouse, used under the CC BY 4.0 license. DLI has modified all or some of this information. USDOL, ETA has not approved, endorsed or tested these modifications.


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