MNOSHA Compliance: Construction Seminars
About the seminars
Minnesota OSHA (MNOSHA) Compliance's free Construction Seminars feature a presentation about a specific construction safety or health topic – with time for questions, answers and input – plus an update from MNOSHA Compliance about what's currently happening regarding investigations.
Mark your calendars now and subscribe to the Construction Seminar email list to receive notice about the events.
Location, time, format (location change)
The Construction Seminars are now being offered in person, virtually or both. The in-person location is the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, 443 Lafayette Road N., St. Paul, MN (get directions, maps to free visitor parking). A link to attend virtually via Microsoft Teams will be posted with the information for each date below.
Construction Seminars are 7 to 8:30 a.m.
The Construction Seminars are set up for interaction with the audience, leading to better understanding of the topic and more practical learning, and providing a safe environment for participants to ask real worksite questions and get real worksite safety and health solutions.
2024/2025 seminar dates
All dates are Tuesdays.
May 20, 2025 – topic to be determined
Check back for more information soon.
March 18, 2025 – Fall-protection training requirements
At this Construction Seminar, Minnesota OSHA Compliance focused on fall protection and the training of workers about the use of fall protection. Lack of fall protection and fall-protection training are in the top 10 most cited standards for federal-fiscal-year 2024. Attendees learned what an employer's fall-protection training should consist of and look like, what the certification of training should include and when retraining is needed.
Presenter, presentation
Lee Craig, supervisor, Minnesota OSHA Compliance
Jan. 21, 2025 – Learn AWAIR program, safety committee requirements
Attendees at this Construction Seminar learned the requirements of the standards for A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction (AWAIR) program and for safety committees to ensure their business understands what it needs to have in place – with time for questions, answers and input. The presenter also discussed what he sees during his Minnesota STAR (MNSTAR) Program and consultation visits in the field.
Presenter, presentation
Daaron Arnold, safety consultant, Minnesota OSHA Workplace Safety Consultation
Nov. 19, 2024 – Addressing mental health, suicide in the construction industry
The construction industry has one of the highest suicide rates of any occupation. Suicide deeply impacts workers, families and communities. Fortunately, like other workplace fatalities, suicides can be prevented. Everyone in the construction industry has a role to play in suicide prevention.
Presenter: Ray Stenglein, president and chief executive officer, Your Wings of Hope.
Sept. 17, 2024 – Let's talk about silica ... yes, again
Worker exposure to silica continues to be health hazard and an area of concern in the construction industry. At this seminar, we talked, listened and learned about silica-related exposures in the construction industry, such as using masonry saws, grinders, drills and jackhammers, and using heavy equipment for grading and excavating.
Presenter: MNOSHA Compliance's Otis Heymann, certified industrial hygienist, will be talking about the standard and welcoming questions and conversation from attendees.
View past presentations
Excavations (Jan. 16, 2024; Excavations: Let's keep talking until we get it right)
Effective safety programs (Nov. 15, 2022; How to build an effective safety program in construction)
Subpart X, Stairway and ladder requirements (Nov. 20, 2018; Ladder and Stair Requirements)
Respiratory protection programs (Sept. 18, 2017; Respiratory protection)
Respiratory crystalline silica (May 16, 2017; OSHA's silica standard)
Excavation and trenching safety (March 21, 2017; Excavation safety)
Silica and respirators (Nov. 18, 2014; Exposure to silica; respirator programs)