Minnesota Wage and Hour Bulletin
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Subscribers receive periodic messages about state wage and hour laws enforced by Labor Standards.
Past editions
March 2025: Celebrating women in Minnesota's workforce
February 2025: Understanding worker misclassification
January 2025: Understanding earned sick and safe time
December 2024: Reflecting on 2024
November 2024: Youth employment during the holidays
October 2024: Highlights from Workplace Rights Week
September 2024: Know your workplace rights
August 2024: New minimum-wage rates
July 2024: Important update: What you need to know about labor law revisions
June 2024: Changes to earned sick and safe time law
May 2024: Ensure compliance with wage and hour laws when hiring teens for summer positions
April 2024: Taking time off for a child’s school conference or activity? There’s a law for that.
March 2024: Your guide to compliance: Agricultural law changes
February 2024: When are employees owed their last paycheck?
January 2024: Stay compliant: Explore new labor laws and resources
December 2023: Workplace law updates for the new year
November 2023: New ESST law just weeks away – are you prepared?
October 2023: New sick and safe leave earnings statement requirements
September 2023: Earned sick and safe time FAQs added
August 2023: Construction Worker Wage Protection Act now in effect
July 2023: Grant funding available
June 2023: Workplace rights to be expanded for expectant, new parents
May 2023: Tips for employers, teens this summer
April 2023: Learn what wage theft is and contact us with questions
March 2023: Tip: Don’t misclassify workers to avoid paying overtime
February 2023: What businesses need to know about pregnancy, nursing rights in the workplace
January 2023: An employer’s guide to tipping laws
December 2022: New statewide minimum-wage rates effective Jan. 1, 2023
November 2022: Holiday hours in the workplace
October 2022: What reasons can employers give to terminate an employee?
September 2022: What to know about minimum wage in Minnesota
August 2022: State fair brings crowds, teen workers
July 2022: A review of Minnesota's wage theft law
June 2022: Summer employment laws for teen workers
May 2022: Minnesota Frontline Worker Pay
April 2022: Minnesota’s payment of wages laws
March 2022: Minnesota's sick and safe leave law
February 2022: New resources created for home health care, restaurant industries
January 2022: New year, new law changes
December 2021: Changes to workplace protections for expectant, new parents
November 2021: New minimum wage poster available, other required posters
October 2021: School conference and activities leave law
September 2021: New videos, grants available
August 2021: New state minimum wage as of Jan. 1, 2022
July 2021: Workplace provisions to support breastfeeding families
June 2021: Pay stub requirements
May 2021: Teens gearing up for summer employment
April 2021: Minnesota's wage disclosure protection law
March 2021: Information about employees who earn tips
February 2021: Issuing a final paycheck to an employee
January 2021: Minnesota's labor standards recordkeeping laws
December 2020: Minimum wage increases on Jan. 1, 2021
November 2020: New minimum wage poster available, other required posters
October 2020: Employee paycheck deductions
September 2020: Employer required medical tests, employee access to personnel file
August 2020: Employee notice requirements
June 2020: Preparing for summer youth employment
April 2020: Updates: COVID-19 labor and employment resources
March 2020: Minnesota sick leave requirements and COVID-19 labor and employment resources
February 2020: Minnesota wage and hour recordkeeping requirements
January 2020: Exemptions from overtime, minimum wage
December 2019: 2020 brings labor standards changes
November 2019: Overtime law in Minnesota
September 2019: Labor Standards agencies in Minnesota
August 2019: New state minimum wage as of Jan. 1, 2020
Minnesota's minimum-wage rates will be adjusted for inflation beginning Jan. 1, 2020, to $10 an hour for large employers and $8.15 an hour for other state minimum wages.
June 2019: Minnesota enacts Wage Theft Law, effective July 1
Beginning July 1, new requirements for all Minnesota employers include providing an employee notice upon employment and additional information for already-required earnings statements and employer recordkeeping.
Increased enforcement of state wage and hour laws and criminal penalties for employers that commit wage theft are also included in the new law.
May 2019: Keeping teens safe at work this summer
April 2019: Regulations for final paycheck
March 2019: Wage theft in Minnesota
December 2018: Minimum-wage increases Jan. 1
November 2018: Employer compliance for nursing mothers
October 2018: Minimum-wage increase
September 2018: Teen work-hours limited during school year
July 2018: Packinghouse workers bill of rights law
June 2018: Minnesota's laws about wage deductions
May 2018: Keeping teens safe at work this summer
April 2018: Required workplace posters available free
February 2018: Employer tips for avoiding wage theft
January 2018: Pregnancy and parental leave
December 2017: Minimum wage increases Jan. 1, 2018
November 2017: Information about tip pooling and tip sharing
October 2017: Holiday hours in the workplace
September 2017: Minimum wage information