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DLI’s work comp insurance lookup will be unavailable from 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, until 8 a.m. on Friday, March 6, for maintenance.

Image of personal care assistants (PCAs) and home health care workers working with their clients.

Are you a personal care assistance (PCA) or community first services and supports (CFSS) worker or an employer in this industry?

Employees have rights, including the right to:

Employers must follow applicable laws, including:

Contact us

Learn your rights and responsibilities. Contact us at or 651-284-5075.

Note:  Employees such as PCAs or CFSS workers who are covered by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) may have different or additional rights not listed above. Employees should check their CBAs for details or visit Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare Minnesota’s website.