- Be an apprentice
- Boiler engineers
- Building officials
- Electricians, electrical installers and elevator constructors
- Homeowners
- Pipefitters
- Plumbers
- Residential contractors, remodelers, roofers
- Worker rights and protections
- Age, hours restrictions
- Brochures and fact sheets about labor standards
- Child labor laws
- Complaints
- Contact Labor Standards
- Earned sick and safe time (ESST)
- Employment termination
- Excavation
- FAQs about labor standards
- FAQs: Nursing home workers
- Guidance for employees on Minnesota's wage theft law
- Know your rights
- Labor Standards videos
- Making a demand for final wages
- Meat and poultry processing industry
- Minimum wage in Minnesota
- MNOSHA Compliance: Directives
- MNOSHA Compliance: Ergonomics
- MNOSHA Compliance: Falls
- MNOSHA Compliance: Inspections
- MNOSHA Compliance: Resources for all industries
- MNOSHA WSC: Workplace violence prevention
- Overtime laws
- Paycheck deductions
- Payment for hours worked
- Pregnancy and parental leave, FMLA
- Pregnant workers and new parents
- Prevailing-wage information
- Safety and health for workers
- Support for immigrant workers: Certification in support of a U or T visa application
- Teen workers
- Tips, tip credit
- Unclaimed back-wages
- Wage theft law
- Work breaks, rest periods
- Worker misclassification
- Worker with a disability application for subminimum-wage permit
- Worker with a disability employment information
- Workers' compensation -- Workers