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Learn about wage, hour laws at webinars from Labor Standards


The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry's (DLI's) Labor Standards Division is providing a series of webinars to help workers and employers better understand the state's wage and hour laws.

These sessions include topics such as wage and hour basics, labor standards in the construction industry, child labor laws, workplace protections for expectant and new parents, minimum wage, overtime exemptions and sick, safe and medical leave laws.

Find a schedule of the webinars below.

1. Workplace provisions supporting lactating, nursing families (August) (two dates)

Our workplace provisions for supporting lactating and nursing families webinar will provide information to employers, workers and others to coincide with National Breastfeeding Month.

Presenters include representatives from:

  • Minnesota Department of Health:  The STEP process for becoming a breastfeeding-friendly organization and how doing so can help an employer’s bottom line. 

  • U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division:  Federal law provisions including expressing milk in the workplace and related workplace accommodations.

  • DLI:  State law provisions regarding pregnant employee accommodations, nursing in the workplaces and other aspects of the Women’s Economic Security Act.

  • Public Health Law Center:  Case examples of healthy and compliant employer implementation.

Dates, time

2. Minimum wage, overtime, requirements, exemptions (October)

In this webinar, you will learn about the minimum wage and overtime requirements, including which workers are included and who can be exempt. The job duties tests for each exemption category and minimum salary threshold and exempt employees under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act will also be reviewed in detail.

Presenters include representatives from:

  • DLI's Labor Standards Division

  • U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division

Date, time

  • Tuesday, Oct. 15, from 11 a.m. to noon. Check back later for registration details.

3. Sick, safe, medical, parental, other leave laws in Minnesota (December)

This webinar will review municipal, state and federal sick and safe time and medical leave laws in Minnesota.  

Presenters include representatives from:

  • DLI's Labor Standards Division

  • U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division

  • Minnesota Department of Human Rights

Date, time

  • Monday, Dec. 2, from 10-11 a.m. Check back later for registration details.

Past webinars

Alternative dates, interpretation services

If the dates and times for these webinars do not fit your schedule, email David Skovholt at to schedule a personalized webinar for you or your business.

Interpretation services, including sign-language, for these sessions can be provided at no cost to you when you request them ahead of time. Contact David Skovholt at or 651-470-5566 to request interpretation services.