Events: Labor Standards
Learn about wage, hour laws at webinars from Labor Standards
The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry's (DLI's) Labor Standards Division is providing a series of webinars to help workers and employers better understand the state's wage and hour laws.
These sessions include topics such as wage and hour basics, labor standards in the construction industry, child labor laws, workplace protections for expectant and new parents, minimum wage, overtime exemptions and sick, safe and medical leave laws.
Celebrating Women's History Month: The impact of the Women’s Economic Security Act on Minnesota workers and employers
Join us for to celebrate Women’s History Month with an informative webinar on the Women’s Economic Security Act and its impact on Minnesota workers and employers. This session will highlight key provisions, including workplace protections for pregnant employees, nursing mothers. This webinar will honor the contributions of women in the workforce.
March 18, from 11 a.m. to noon. Register for the webinar.
Understanding prevailing wage and its impact on contractors, workers and public works projects
This session will cover what prevailing wage is, what public works and construction projects it applies to, how to find the correct prevailing-wage rate for a specific type of worker, how wage rates are established and more. Register and join this session if you are a construction contractor, employee who works on prevailing-wage projects, or work on state construction or public works projects.
April 30, from 9-10 a.m. Register for the webinar.
Workplace laws for small-business owners: Wage requirements, overtime rules and employee protections
Join us for an informative webinar for new and small business employers in Minnesota. Learn about wage and hour and other labor law requirements to keep your business in compliance. This session will cover the basics, resources available to help employers and give you a chance to ask questions to the agency charged with enforcing these requirements.
May 21, from 10-11 a.m. Check back later for registration details.
Understanding Minnesota labor laws for teen workers: Hours, hazards, wages and requirements
This webinar will provide an overview of Minnesota labor laws affecting youth workers, such as work hour limitations, hazardous work restrictions, training wages and more. Whether you are a teen worker, an employer or someone who works with teen employees, this session will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the legal requirements for youth employment in Minnesota.
May 22, from 1-2 p.m. Check back later for registration details.
Workers' rights in agriculture, including overtime, migrant labor, minimum wage and youth employment
This webinar will cover workers' rights under dairying, field production and other agriculture fields. We will address the topic of overtime, recruited migrant agricultural workers, minimum wage, youth agriculture and more.
June 10, from 10-11 a.m. Check back later for registration details.
Recent updates to Minnesota labor laws: Earned sick and safe time, nursing accommodations and more
Join us for this informational webinar, where we will provide an overview of recent updates to existing Minnesota labor laws, as well as highlight newly effective labor laws in the state over the past two years. Topics will include earned sick and safe time, updates to nursing accommodations under the Women’s Economic Security Act and more.
July 17, from 2-3 p.m. Check back later for registration details.
Understanding the Women’s Economic Security Act and its impact on workers and employers with a focus on National Breastfeeding Month
Join this informative webinar on the Women’s Economic Security Act (WESA) and its impact on workers and employers. We will also recognize August as National Breastfeeding Month, emphasizing WESA’s protections for nursing employees.
Aug. 5, from 10-11 a.m. Check back later for registration details.
Aug. 14, from 2-3 p.m. Check back later for registration details.
Labor standards for young workers and their families in Minnesota: Child labor laws, school activities leave and more
Join us for an in-depth discussion on labor laws impacting young workers and their families in Minnesota. We’ll cover child labor laws, school activities leave and resources to help navigate these regulations. Whether you're a young worker, parent or employer, this webinar will provide essential information to ensure compliance with laws impacting Minnesota’s youth workforce.
Sept. 11, from 10-11 a.m. Check back later for registration details.
Derechos laborales de los trabajadores en Minnesota: Horas extras, robo de salarios, deducciones y más
Este seminario en linea incluirá información sobre los derechos laborales de los trabajadores, como horas extra, robo de salario, deducciones, tiempo devengado por enfermedad y razones de seguridad, derechos de las empleadas embarazadas y lactantes, salario mínimo y más. Más información sobre cómo el Departamento de Labor e Industria de Minnesota hacen cumplir los derechos de los trabajadores.
Vuelva más tarde para obtener detalles de registro.
Tiempo ganado por enfermedad y razones de seguridad: Cómo se gana, se usa y se transfier
Un seminario en linea sobre la ley de tiempo ganado por enfermedad y razones de seguridad (ESST) cubrirá puntos clave como la forma en que se obtiene, se utiliza y se transfiere el ESST. La sesión también cubrirá otros requisitos clave de la ley ESST.
Oct. 14, from 5-6 p.m. Vuelva más tarde para obtener detalles de registro.
Overview of state and federal leave laws, including earned sick and safe time, the federal Family and Medical Leave Act and parental leave
Get an overview of state and federal leave laws from work, including earned sick and safe time, the federal Family and Medical Leave Act and pregnancy and parental leave. Hear from presenters representing the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry and the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division.
Oct. 22, from 10-11 a.m. Check back later for registration details.
Understanding minimum wage and overtime requirements for workers in Minnesota
Learn about local, state and federal minimum wage and overtime requirements for Minnesota workers. What minimum wages are required for which workers? When does overtime apply and when do exceptions apply? Learn more and have your questions answered.
Nov. 19, from 2-3 p.m. Check back later for registration details.
Understanding wage theft and how to protect your rights as a worker
Wage theft occurs when an employer fails to pay a worker their correct wages. This webinar will cover what wage theft is, how it occurs, and how workers can protect their rights. We’ll discuss common scenarios like unpaid overtime and incorrect wage deductions, along with steps to take if wage theft happens. Join us to learn how to identify and address wage theft in the workplace.
Dec. 17, from 9-10 a.m. Check back later for registration details.
Past webinars
Understanding Minnesota labor laws for teen workers: Hours, hazards, wages and requirements (February 2025): View webinar recording. View presentation slides.
A guide to earned sick and safe time (ESST) (January 2025): View webinar recording. View presentation slides.
Workplace provisions for supporting pregnant, lactating employees (August 2024): View webinar recording (session one). View webinar recording (session two). View presentation slides.
Child labor (May 2024): View webinar recording. View presentation slides.
Laws affecting agricultural, meat- and poultry-processing employers and workers (April 2024): View presentation slides.
Earned sick and safe time (September-November 2023): View presentation slides.
Minimum wage and overtime requirements and exemptions (Oct. 2023): View presentation slides
Workplace provisions for supporting pregnant, lactating employees (August 2023): View webinar recording. View presentation slides.
Child labor (June 2023): View webinar recording. View presentation slides.
Construction – prevailing wage, construction worker classification (April 2023): View webinar recording. View presentation slides.
Wage and hour basics – what employers, employees need to know (February 2023): View webinar recording. View presentation slides.
Alternative dates, interpretation services
If the dates and times for these webinars do not fit your schedule, email David Skovholt at to schedule a personalized webinar for you or your business.
Interpretation services, including sign-language, for these sessions can be provided at no cost to you when you request them ahead of time. Contact David Skovholt at or 651-470-5566 to request interpretation services.