Workers: How to protect yourself from wage theft
Wage theft happens when an employer doesn't pay workers the money they earned. It's against the law, and workers should know their rights and how to prevent it. Here are tips to protect yourself from wage theft.
Keep track of all of the hours you work. Even if your employer tracks your hours of work, it is important to keep your own records. Note the date, when you start and end your shift and any break times. You can track your hours on paper or via a mobile app, such as the U.S. Department of Labor’s Timesheet App.
Keep a copy of your employee wage notice. When you are hired, your employer is required to provide you with a notice of your wages along with other employment information. Keep a copy of your notice and document any changes to your pay.
Keep copies and track of any policy notices or changes that may affect your protected rights. This includes your right to overtime, earned sick and safe time and pregnancy or parental leave.
Review your earnings statement every pay period for accuracy and keep your own records. At the end of every pay period, your employer is required to provide you with an earnings statement (or paystub), which shows how many hours you worked, your rate of pay and deductions. Keeping track of your pay periods and their corresponding pay dates ensures you are paid on time for all of your hours worked.
Be aware of unlawful wage and hour practices. A company policy or practice cannot violate Minnesota laws, including laws about overtime pay and paycheck deductions. Review your state, federal and municipal wage and hour rights on each agency’s webpage.
Keep records regarding your position and duties. This ensures you are receiving the protections and pay rate you are entitled to, especially if you have been classified as exempt or an independent contractor.
Know the legal name and address of your employer. This may be different than the name they use and the location where you work. This information should be on your employee wage notice, paystubs and tax forms.
Retaliation is illegal
An employer cannot retaliate against you for asserting your rights. Retaliation includes termination, demotion, a reduction of hours or other disciplinary action.
In Minnesota, an employer can fire a worker for any reason except for illegal reasons, such as discrimination or retaliation for asserting your rights under Minnesota labor standards laws. If you believe your employer retaliated against you for asserting your rights, contact us at or 651-284-5075.

Employee wage notice

Preventing wage theft

Wage theft in Minnesota