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A worker identification (WID) number, which is person-specific, is generated by the Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) and is used instead of a Social Security number (SSN) to identify workers' compensation claims.

DLI sends the WID number in the initial electronic data interchange (EDI) First Report of Injury (FROI) acknowledgement report to the insurer/trading partner.

How to obtain WID numbers


DLI assigns a WID number when a first report of injury has been filed with DLI or a case-creating document on the claim has been filed with DLI or the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). Attorneys, intervenors and qualified rehabilitation consultants (QRCs) may obtain the WID number from DLI if they meet the requirements in Minnesota Statutes § 176.231, subd. 9a(c).

Work Comp Campus lookup

Stakeholders using Work Comp Campus specifically asked DLI to implement the ability to locate a WID number in Campus via search. In response to this outpouring of feedback, DLI is pleased to announce a WID number lookup function has been added and is available now for your use. Providing this services should aid in stakeholders' efforts to navigate through Campus and make the overall experience more efficient.

To locate a WID number in Campus

Screenshot showing the worker identification (WID) number lookup function in Work Comp Campus
  1. Login to your Campus account.

  2. From your dashboard, select "Submit a Filing" and scroll down to find the "WID Lookup" option.

  3. Input the required fields, click "Submit" and view the results. Note:  In Campus, WID numbers are nine digits and are formatted as EE-##-####-###.

If an attorney or QRC has access to the claim, they can find the WID number in Work Comp Campus.

  1. Go to the claim details page.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, where the tabs are.

  3. Choose "Parties" and "Employee" if they are not already selected.

  4. The "ID" is formatted as "EE-##-####-###" and the numerical portion of the ID is the WID number.

Screenshot of test claim

Screenshot:  Worker identification (WID) number lookup in Work Comp Campus


Obtaining a WID number by phone

Intervenors not represented by an attorney

An intervenor is a person or entity that has already filed a motion to intervene in a pending workers' compensation dispute. An intervenor that is not represented by an attorney may obtain the WID number. If the dispute is pending at DLI, an intervenor may call the Alternative Dispute Resolution unit at 800-342-5354.

Potential intervenors not represented by an attorney

A potential intervenor is a person or entity that has not yet filed a motion to intervene in a pending workers' compensation dispute but intends to do so. A potential intervenor that is not represented by an attorney may obtain the WID number in one of two ways.

  • Option 1 (recommended) – If the dispute is pending at DLI, the potential intervenor may obtain the WID number by creating an account in Campus and filing a motion to intervene in the dispute electronically.

  • Option 2 – A potential intervenor may obtain the WID number from the notice of the right to intervene or from the attorney who sent the notice to the potential intervenor.


An attorney may also contact the Workers' Compensation Help Desk at 651-284-5005 (press 3), 800-342-5354 (press 3) or to request a WID number. The WID number will be provided by phone to an attorney with written verification that the person represents the employee, employer or insurer for the employee's date of injury, or an intervenor or potential intervenor, according to the following procedures.

If there is a Notice of Appearance form or retainer agreement already in the division file, the attorney may:

  • sign in to Campus and find the WID number in the division file; or

  • call Copy File Review and provide the names of the parties, date of injury and SSN (so representation and WID number can be verified) and Copy File Review will then be able to provide the attorney the WID number by phone.

If there is no Notice of Appearance form or retainer agreement in the division file, Copy File Review will provide the WID number if the attorney mails a letter on the attorney's or firm's letterhead, including:

  • a statement that the attorney would like to be called with the WID number;

  • a statement that the attorney represents the injured worker, employer or insurer, or an intervenor or potential intervenor;

  • the names of the parties, the employee's SSN and the date of injury (so DLI can verify whether there is a WID number); and

  • the attorney’s signature and attorney license number.

Copy File Review will call the attorney with the WID number.