Work comp: Information sheets from DLI's Office of General Counsel
These documents contain general information and are not legal advice. Every situation is different and other laws might apply to your situation. If you have questions, contact an attorney or call the Workers' Compensation Hotline at 800-342-5354 and press 3.
Information sheets
Attorney fees in workers' compensation (November 2021)
Extraterritorial jurisdiction: a summary (March 2022)
Failure to provide workers' compensation insurance (November 2021)
Guide for calculating interest on workers' compensation benefits (January 2022)
Inpatient hospital payment (November 2017)
Reporting a work injury (December 2019)
Third degree of kindred chart (November 2021)
Workers' compensation: Post-traumatic stress disorder and mental injuries (November 2021)
Workers' compensation cumulative trauma injuries: Gillette injuries in Minnesota (November 2021)
Workers' compensation insurance: Home health care workers (November 2021)
Workers' compensation insurance: May an employer directly pay medical bills? (November 2017)
Workers' compensation insurance coverage: Corporations and limited liability companies (November 2017)
Workers' compensation insurance coverage: General information (November 2017)
Workers' compensation insurance coverage and liability: Farmer-employer exception (November 2017)
Workers' compensation insurance coverage and liability: Temporary and leased employment situations (November 2017)
Workers' compensation liability of contractors (March 2025)
Workers' compensation settlements (November 2021)